The face of fashion has not only been changing for women, but for men as well.

More traditional styles of dress for men are shirts made of cotton and natural fibers. In a more traditional sense, men might opt for a woolen tunic with long sleeves. In the colder months, traditional dress would include a "burnoose" which is essentially a long, hooded cloak. In ceremonial dress, it is likely that a man will wear a "jebba" which is a long, sleeveless tunic worn over another shirt. The jebba is commonly adorned with some simple embroidery, yet not to a large extent like we see with embroidery on female's clothes.  

Similar to women's fashion, many Tunisian clothing companies are beginning to sell attire that is attractive to younger generations. For instance, there has been a recent abundance of sports attire and more casual dress shops in Tunisian markets. Often times, jeans are worn by males in Tunisia, typically paired with a button down shirt or t-shirt. In order to remain comfortable, a man will usually wear lighter fabric, since the weather in Tunisia can reach extreme temperatures. 

Shoes have also been a way that many males have begun to express themselves and alter their image through attire. Many traditional outfits are typically paired with leather slippers. The slippers are  either pointed or rounded at the tip, and typically made from natural materials. One may see many men dressed in traditional clothing, however due to Tunisia's progressive nature regarding attire, many men have begun to purchase other forms of shoes with a completely different style.

Sneakers have erupted within the younger generations as their shoe of choice. Many sneakers, either bought online or from markets are not only used for working out, but also used for comfortability purposes. Thus, the increase in purchases of sneakers has caused tennis shoe companies to create new designs and patterns, spiraling the younger generation into a world crowded with endless possibilities of colorful and comfortable sneakers.


  1. I really like this contrast to women's fashion! Female empowerment and expression through clothing has been the highlight of the fashion industry for so long, but I love how you are switching it up to encompass how men's wear has changed and evolved in Tunisia. This is an interesting and stark contrast to my country that I've been researching, Saudi Arabia. In the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the men also have traditional dress, but this is the only acceptable kind of dress. The clothing is also light, natural fabrics however, as I assume both of our countries suffer from extreme temperatures in the summer. Finally, your last paragraph having to do with the sneakers was super interesting, in how men can "customize" their traditional looks. Love it :)

  2. I think it's really interesting to see the introduction of American fashion trends being welcomed into areas in the Middle East. However, I recognize that Tunisia is generally very progressive in contrast to stricter countries such as Saudi Arabia. I noticed in your post that you said brands are trying to appeal to the younger generation, which makes me wonder whether the younger men are looked down upon by their elders for not dressing traditionally. I can imagine that the younger generation dressing more casually is the norm and is accepted simply because they are young, as is true in the U.S. a lot of the time. However, it seems possible that this could be a point of sensitivity among families as men choose not to wear the clothes their fathers and grandfathers have worn their entire lives and to wear something that seems very American.


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